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Remove the gland spring, washer and packing. If the washer stick, loosen it by injecting paraffin and probing with a piece of wire.
To repack use about six pieces of patent hydraulic packing 1/8in diameter and 1 1/2in long. Place the pieces round the valve spindle, so that the gaps are alternately on one side and then the other. When the six pieces are in position, press them down with a suitable piece of tube passed over the shaft to act as a ram.


Remove the chain. coupling sprocket on pump spindle with its key. Unscrew gland nut. The thread is left-hand.
Remove gland spring, washer, and packing (if the washer sticks, loosen it by injecting paraffin, tapping the pump casing, and probing the washer with a piece of wire.) On no account remove cover of pump casing.
To repack use about four pieces of patent hydraulic packing 5/16in square and 2in. long. Place the pieces round the pump spindle so that the gaps are alternately on one side and the other When the four pieces are in position press them down with, a suitable piece of tube passed over the shaft to act as a ram.


The drain cock A below the radiator is accessible from the front of the car, but is designed to be controlled by a box spanner so as to avoid accident. This drain will clear the radiator, water pump, pipes and cylinders.
A rubber hose can be attached to the cock to lead the water to the drain if desired. The cylinder heads must be drained by means of the special pump provided in the tool kit. Each head has a plug which can be removed in order to insert the nozzle of the pump. A filter is provided inside the radiator filler and is easily lifted out. This should be kept free of all dirt and deposits.